Monthly Archives: September 2013

Twelve Triggers Driving Mankind Towards World Government

Adrian Salbuchi

Adrian Salbuchi

Know thyself and your Enemy, and you will win all battles;

Know thyself and not thy Enemy, for every victory there will be a defeat;

Know neither yourself nor your Enemy and you’ll be defeated all the time.

– Sun-Tzu, The Art of War

Twelve Triggers Driving Mankind Towards World Government

is science corrupt ?

LSD2Corrupt science sets standards for all

there are a few thing in the world that I don’t understand – government, religion, maths and science are the main ones -(some people – I just can not understand !)  here is an article about science being corrupt that may interest those that do understand science. On my journey so far I have come across a few articles on what we are lead to believe is our world, which when the layers are pealed back, corruption to deceive lies underneath. An introduction awaits, if and when I get around to it.